STEAM Education Program

Today’s children will be tomorrow’s workforce innovators. Keeping that in mind, early education can equip children with the knowledge and skills that help them achieve success. The STEAM Education Program is an educational discipline that engages students around certain vital subjects — Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths.

At Academy for Early Learners, we offer unique STEAM classes at our early learning centre. We offer an extensive range of quality lessons through equipment, activities and curriculum-based learning that facilitate your child’s learning. We aim to build a solid foundation of concepts through various fun and curiosity-triggering exercises and activities.

STEAM Programming Courses

At Academy for Early Learners, our STEAM education courses serve as a fantastic way of teaching important lessons to kids that they could apply both in school and later in life. We strive to give your child a head start and an early glimpse in the current technology-driven world.

Our advanced STEAM programming educational sets are crafted to impart appropriate building, coding, and engineering skills to your children. The exercises and activities we conduct at our learning centres offer effective learning and development to your child. We are sure the skills that your child learns with us will be practical later in life.

STEAM Education Courses

With our STEAM education curriculum, we offer an ideal method of introducing your child to the world of contemporary popular technology, such as robotics. We employ qualified teachers who are professionally trained to work with your children while conducting science experiments for our science-based learning.

STEAM Program for Schools

At Academy for Early Learners, our STEAM program for schools offers information and communication technology (ICT) experiences for your child to learn more about the advanced world. We take pride that our exercises build fundamental concepts in your child.

With an almost 100 per cent sign-up rate, we are sure your child will love our STEAM classes! Give us a call at (02) 8068 2300 or email us at!